
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crocheting and Dramas?

I just relearned to crochet tonight (winter beanies). My friend (who was a first time crocheter^_^) and I commented on how the directions are like a foreign language to us... to which I replied, "maybe I should subtitle those directions". She readily said, yes, add that to your other subtitle jobs.

My friends and family members are quite aware of my obsession to drama watching but to what extent. Well, it's not like it's a secret.^_^ There are things I do that make it obvious.

Things that make my obsession more obvious are:
- when I can't listen to any thing else but Korean Drama OSTs in the car
-when it's Christmas season, and I bust out SMtown as I try to follow along... some times as they sing in English, finding myself singing with a Korean accent to follow suit
-when asked if I read a lot, I say, "if you count subtitles... I get a lot of reading done there"
-with bags under my eyes, some might ask if I had a long night... I may reply, I just kept wanting to watch what was going to happen next on *my drama
-when on the phone, my sister asks "are you downloading something again" as the reception is not as clear when doing so, knowing that I download *my dramas on a regular basis
-*I call them "my dramas"

Things that I have found easy enough to accomplish While watching a drama:
-folding laundry (put this to the test many of times)... constant head up and down but very doable
-crocheting... yes, I think this one would be possible
Okay, I haven't got much else here...

Maybe you can help add to the list. What is some thing productive that you have been able to accomplish while reading subtitles and watching a drama?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fansubber's diaries - sayroo #1

I'm currently in a long-weekend vacation due to holidays in our place and I feel great just thinking about it. It starts today, and I promised to catch up on my dramas, including Joseon X-Files, GLORIA, Flames of Ambition & Daemul. And I'm glad that I have finally finished Dr. Champ after ignoring it for quite some weeks now.

Considering all of that, I have to add in the subbing duties I have in hand.
Point is, I love this long weekend vacation as I get to spend more times on my dramas and net life and not actually care about anything. Ain't life amazing with these dramas?

Happy drama-watching to everyone!

As what they said:
A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking.  ~Earl Wilson